YEAR ■ 2008

Monumental sculpture project made as a twisted nodal structure, made by triangulation and built with inoxidable steel through TIG welding. The nodes of the structure serve as a support for figures of swallows – presented as silluetes – located in three paralel sheets interconnected by structural rods which make the shape of a cloud (or flock) of birds in flight making a rapid rotation.

Size: 420 cm high x 80 cms thickness / Weight: 420 Kg (without base).

The nodal structure behaves also as a structural and formal suport, and receives the foot or suport; the structure is made with a stainless steel rod AISI-304-L, with 6 mm caliber; the silluetes in inoxidable steel with 5 mm (laser cut or waterjet) are welded to the frame. The silluetes are previously patinated in blue-black color, properly finished to outdoor use.

Proyecto de escultura monumental formulada como una estructura nodal torsionada, resuelta por triangulación y construida con acero inoxidable mediante soldadura TIG. Los nodos de la estructura sirven de soporte a figuras de golondrinas -presentadas como siluetasubicadas en tres láminas paralelas conectadas entre sí por varillas estructurales, que configuran una forma de nube (o bandada) de aves en vuelo realizando un giro vertiginoso.

Tamaño 420 cm alto x 80 cms de grosor / 420 kg de peso (sin peana).

La estructura nodal se comporta a su vez como soporte estructural y formal, y recibe el pie o soporte; la estructura se realiza con varilla de acero inoxidable AISI-304-L, de calibre 6 mm; las siluetas en acero inoxidable de 5 mm (corte láser o chorro de agua) van soldadas a la estructura. Las siluetas se patinan previamente en color negro azulado, con terminación adecuada al uso en intemperie.


alfonso doncel | design, sculpture, direction


luis manuel lópez | gema cortés luna | eliseo pérez álvarez | javier carbonell espín


  • ■ Sculpture contest convened by Zadovías–Viassa of Cáceres in 2008, for the realization of a memorial sculpture in the public square of the Residencial Complex Don Manuel, in the center of Cáceres (Spain). It has received the second prize of the jury.
  • ■ Sculpture contest convened to include it on an ornamental fountain in Villanueva de la Serena, Badajoz, Spain (2009).
  • ■ 2nd Sculpture Public Contest in Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona, Spain).

A cloud of birds moving [in ascending flock] crosses the sky in a vertiginous way. Sinuous aspect obtained by conjunction of obliquous trajectories. Curve and sharp lines of the birds – strong silhouettes – which give an aspect of flock, of global cloud with a sensual apearance, exempt, clean. The lightweight support of the pieces of the flock (a twisted nodal structure, made by triangulation in minumum section steel), with the particular silhouets of the swallows, in blue-black.

Una nube de aves en movimiento [en bandada ascendente] cruza el cielo de forma vertiginosa. Aspecto sinuoso obtenido por conjunción de trayectorias oblicuas. Líneas curvas y afiladas de las aves –siluetas contundentes- que configuran un aspecto de bandada, de nube global de apariencia sensual, exenta, limpia. El liviano soporte de las piezas de la bandada (una estructura nodal torsionada, resuelta por triangulación y realizada en acero de mínima sección) contrasta con la contundencia de las siluetas concretas de las golondrinas, en negro azulado.